The Importance of Play

Season #3 Episode #4

Our guest, Sharifa Oppenheimer is known for her research and books which focus on the early childhood development. In this episode, she speaks about the nature of play in early childhood and why play is so important for young children.

Sharifa is the author of multiple best-selling books: Heaven on Earth, Heaven on Earth: A Handbook for Parents of Young Children, and With Stars in their Eyes.  She also worked collaboratively to create the book, What is a Waldorf Kindergarten. She was the founding teacher of the Charlottesville Waldorf School, Virginia, where she taught kindergarten for twenty-one years and served as daycare director of the early-childhood program. She has helped develop new teachers through mentoring and offering practicum and internship opportunities to the teacher-training students at Sunbridge College in New York. Recently she initiated a home-based kindergarten program, The Rose Garden. Sharifa also travels offering lectures and workshops to schools and parent groups. She is the mother of three grown sons, who were educated in the Waldorf tradition. Sharifa lives in an enchanted forest in Virginia.

Music is “Dance With Me” by Sergey Cheremisinov.

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